So I am sure some of you are wondering what exactly goes on at and camp and a little more about it!
The camp has been around since 1957 and most girls that come hear from word of mouth or their mothers and aunts went here years ago. Jim and Sue don't advertise the camp at all and somehow they manage to get 300 girls and be one of the top camps in the world! Last month’s issue of Town and Country (I’m pretty sure that is the magazine) we were ranked number one in best camp food and yes the food here is excellent!!! I’m eating a lot healthier, but always fit room for some candy and desserts! :) If the parents sneak the kids any kind of candy it gets confiscated, goes to Sheri (director) then the staff eats it :) How cruel to the kids huh, but that’s what the parents get for being sneaky and not listening to the rules :)
Bells ring at 7:45am to wake all the girls up, breakfast is at 8:15am and all activities start after we eat! Sheri will have announcements at every meal explaining what’s going on for the day or any surprise activity! Every day is full of activities and most of it is a surprise! There are about 8 activities that go on each day, which will be between breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack and mail time. The camp is split into waterfront (swimming, skiing, sailing, boating, canoeing) Team Sports (soccer, softball, lacrosse, basketball, etc.) The boys from Mexico teach Tennis-- most of the tennis instructors are professional in Mexico or retired and just teach now. Then you have arts and crafts--a lot of shrinky dink goes on there! Then you have the rec hall where plays are put on every two weeks of camp. The rec hall also hold a lot of evening activities, it has a stage and is a big area for everyone to fit in. You also have the farm where the girls can horseback ride, garden and join the WAD squad. (WAD- Wilderness Adventure Discovery) They do a lot of hiking and wilderness stuff and camping. They also have fitness, where the girls train all summer for the 5k run!
There is tons more for the girls to do every day! I don't know everything that goes on because I am not with the girls and spend a lot of the time in the office when the activities are going on. At meal time I sit with the Ti's they are the youngest on camp. They are adorable and always tell me about there days, they want me to have a sleep over in there bunk with them one night!
The other day I had to take a little one to the ER... it was only the 3rd day on camp!!! She was fine no broken bones and nothing bad! Good news for her parents because last year she broke her arm!!! It turned out being a little special day for her because we missed dinner so we stopped for subway and then ICE CREAM!!!! While waiting in the ER I asked her if she knew anyone famous and come to find out she is in the same class as Jerry Seinfeld's daughter so she sometimes goes over for dinner!
Got a nice day off yesterday! (Wed) Went shopping with two Polish boys and 2 Mexican girls. Started off at the outlets in Lake George then we headed to Saratoga Springs for some shopping. It was a nice relaxing day. The weather was perfect that day, not to hot and not too cold!! Not like Omaha 104!!!! Later that evening went back to camp for a little bit and then a bus ( yes a big yellow school bus) took the staff to the bars in Lake George. Stacey (from England) turned 22 so we all helped her celebrate! Boyyyy was that nice to have a few beers, much needed!!!! Today (Thur) I had to do a little shopping in Glen Falls for the camp then came back in the office to finish mail! You guys would not believe how long it takes to get mail done!!!! Each letter has to go to a certain bunk (there’s over 30!) and we have to separate it them and we get 100s of letters every day!
Ever since the girls got here, there is no such thing as sleep! The girls in the bunk next to me are quite well uhh there a bunch of P.I.T.A.S (You can ask my dad if you don't know what one of those are :)-- They are the naughty group compared to all the other bunks. The campers are wide awake and running everywhere all day, I don't know how they don't just crash at night, I know a lot of the counselors are pretty beat after the last couple of days. They have been doing an awesome job working with the kids and keeping them under control!!!!
Tomorrow I will be doing some more running around the towns nearby!!! Then it’s our night to head to Suzy Q's!!! Hopefully I have some more interesting news for everyone!!!
If anyone has any questions feel free to ask me! Just message me and I’ll post a blogg about it!!!
I'd love to answer any thoughts or questions!!!
Good Night Everyone!
Love and Miss everyone!!!
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